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Fig. 10 | Cancer Nanotechnology

Fig. 10

From: Optimized synthesis characterization and protective activity of quercetin and quercetin–chitosan nanoformula against cardiotoxicity that was induced in male Wister rats via anticancer agent: doxorubicin

Fig. 10

Effect of QU and QU-CHSNPs on cardiac DNA fragmentation of normal control and DOX-administered Rats. The data are presented as mean SE. The number of samples in each group is six. F-probability: P < 0.001 values that share the same superscript symbol are not significantly different. DOX (doxorubicin), QU (quercetin), QU-CHS (QU-loaded CHSNPs), show agarose gel electrophoresis of cardiac DNA fragmentation in normal (1), doxorubicin-administered groups (2), doxorubicin-administered groups treated with QU (3) and QU-CHS (4), and normal treated with QU-CHS (5). Lane M: DNA marker with 100 bp; Lanes 1, 4, and 5: DNA without streaking or laddering; Lane 2: show DNA streaking and laddering

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